David Marsan (ISTerre, Grenoble)
Yehuda Ben-Zion (USC)
Solicited Speaker: Ilia Zaliapin, University of Nevada
Keywords: Spatio-temporal patterns, relation to properties of faults and the lithosphere,
static and dynamic triggering, clustering, forecasting, characterizing human-induced
and natural seismicity, interplay between seismicity and slow deformation processes
(slow slip, fluid intrusions, atmospheric loadings, tides).
Earthquakes are associated with mechanical instabilities known to be sensitive to a
great variety of factors. Perturbations from various physical and chemical sources
(natural or anthropogenic) affect their timing, mode of failure, kinematics and
size. Understanding how these various perturbing mechanisms work, and how they
interplay with faulting, remain highly challenging. Recent advances in observations
that led to improved recognition of slow slip processes and human-induced activities
add to the complexity of seismicity. This session is devoted to observations and
modeling clarifying the dynamics of seismicity in relation to various loadings and
properties of the deforming region.