Field trip

Two options of "parisian field trips" have been proposed on Wednesday:

"Geology of Paris: the birth of a capital", organized by young geologists of IPGParis,


"The sea in Paris", in the parisian underground galleries (the catacombes)


More info:

"Geology of Paris: the birth of a capital", organized by young geologists of IPGParis

Did you ever wonder how and why Paris was able to remain as one of the most powerful capitals of Europe for centuries? The geological situation made it the perfect spot to establish a long-­‐lasting settlement, from Antiquity through History. Come take a walk with us in the Latin district, cradle of the Parisian development: we offer the opportunity to discover the Romanian arena of Lutetia, the Pantheon, an underground quarry and much more…

"The sea in Paris", in the parisian underground galleries (the catacombes): Everything you always wanted to know about the Lutetian (but were afraid to ask).

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