4. Approches multidisciplinaires, méthodes et données > 4a. Géomorphologie

A. Brad Murray (Duke University)
Neil J. Balmforth (Univ. British Colombia, Vancouver)

Solicited Speaker: Francesca Ribas (Dept. of Physics, Universitat Politècnica de Cataluny)

Keywords: Geological object and pattern formation. Emergent structures and patterns. Mechanisms responsible for the selection of time and length scales. Linear and non-linear instabilities. Finite-amplitude pattern evolution, River networks, Delta networks, Tidal networks, Bedforms, Morphodynamics, Ecomorphodynamics, Coupled natural/human systems, Depositional systems, Erosional systems, Landscape evolution, Glacial and Periglacial phenomena, Eolian phenomena, Submarine morphology.

Fluid dynamics, gravity, sediment dynamics, and life interact in many ways, across many scales, to produce striking shapes and patterns in the solid, granular, and fluid outer layers of the Earth and other planets. We welcome work analyzing the mechanisms involved, from theoretical to empirical (including analytical, numerical, laboratory, and field approaches).

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